Mobile Company Management

KG Pocket

KG Pocket was created to report company information to company owners and managers regardless of time and place, and to enable them to manage their companies from mobile.

"It Will Speed Up Your Field Staff"

It is a great help not only for the managers but also for the personnel in the field. Thanks to KG Cep, the personnel in the field can instantly see the customer's debt/credit status. Sales personnel and collection personnel can instantly access account statement, invoice, order, check/note and customer information while the customer is with them.


Our mobile software where company owners / managers can report and monitor all movements and transactions of the company.


Our mobile software where sellers can instantly enter their orders from their mobile phones during customer visits and track all their orders from their mobile phones.


Our mobile software, where field personnel can access all customer information instantly and enter their conversation from their mobile phone without coming to the center.

Main Features

Working Platform: It can be integrated into all commercial software using MS SQL database.

System Requirement: All mobile phones, iPhone, Blackberry, Smartphone, etc. devices.

Reporting Speed: Instantly information is obtained directly from the database.

Track your orders anytime, anywhere with KG Cep..